
Simplicity at its finest!

Yozo is a tiny (<5kB) drop-in stress-free solution for web components. Skip NPM - with a single <script>, it lets you write beautiful code, and ship it, too.

Selling points

Really really small

Yozo's latest releast comes in at 4687 bytes gzipped, and it will always remain less than 5kB to keep sites snappy and responsive. For reference, that's smaller than this image of a car: Very small image of a red van

Web components

Built on top of native web components, Yozo works everywhere and plays nice with other tools. Write your components once, and use them in any project.

Skip the hassle

Because complex build tools and configuration hell are a nighmare, Yozo was made to be the solution that Just Works. Include it with a script tag, and start using it right away.

What it looks like

Yozo lets you write concise, declarative, and readable code, and it comes to life just like that.

Component APIs are immediately obvious, because their definitions start with it. From just the first three lines; we can see this component is called click-counter, it has an amount attribute, and a reset() method. Simple as that!

Not convinced? Compare this component to implementations in two other Web Component libraries/frameworks: Lit and StencilJS. For the sake of completeness, I've also included what this basic component would look like when written in vanilla JS.


From here, discover the resources Yozo has to offer.