
Write simple, descriptive markup for components, optionally with a shadow root, using inline logic and straight-forward shorthands.


<template>…</template> <template mode="…">…</template> <template mode="…" delegates-focus="…">…</template> <template mode="…" slot-assignment="…">…</template>


Yozo reuses the native <template> element to define a component template. However, its attributes in (the top level of) a Yozo component file are different from its native attributes.

As a top-level element in a Yozo component file, it describes markup for a component. Without attributes, the markup will be placed inside (i.e. as direct children of) the element upon connecting to the DOM for the first time, removing any children it might have gotten before connecting. In fact, it cannot have slots, either; the native <slot> element is not allowed in templates without shadow root. This is because slots take an element's direct child nodes, whereas shadowless components render their template as children, making it impossible to retroactively assign elements to slots. Lastly, when using templates without shadow root, styles defined inside the <style> element are not scoped.

Note: When the mode attribute is used, the attributes directly convert to the options passed to the underlying .attachShadow() call. For more information about shadow roots, see .attachShadow() on MDN.

mode optional
If provided, a shadow root is created with this as the mode option. Specifically, this is either "open" or "closed". Using an open shadow root means the shadow root is exposed through the .shadowRoot property (this is native behavior). As such, closed shadow roots are recommended for better encapsulation. Note that using shadow roots makes <style> elements scoped.
delegates-focus optional
Equivalent to the delegatesFocus option in the options provided to .attachShadow(). The only valid value for this attribute is "true"; leave out the attribute altogether if delegating focus is not desired.
slot-assignment optional
Equivalent to the slotAssignment option in the options provided to .attachShadow(). Valid values are "named" (default) and "manual", determining whether slotted elements are automatically placed by their name (for "named") or whether slotted elements should manually be placed using HTMLSlotElement.assign().

Inside the template

The template is almost always one of the most important aspects of a component. As such, a handful of useful features exist inside the template. For those familiar with popular frameworks or component-based libraries, these probably come as no surprise:



FizzBuzz is a classic programming task where one is asked write a program that outputs the numbers 1 through N, but every number divisible by 3 is replaced by Fizz, every number divisible by 5 by Buzz, and every number divisible by both is replaced by FizzBuzz. For this component, we'll do the same; we'll have buttons to increase or decrease the maximum number N, and output each number (including Fizzes and Buzzes) dynamically. Note that this component could be made more efficiently (both in terms of brevity as well as runtime performance) but it is a fictional component to demonstrate template features.

<title>fizz-buzz</title> <meta attribute="max" type="number"> <template mode="closed"> <button @click="$.max--">Decrease maximum</button> <button @click="$.max++">Increase maximum</button> <output> <span #for="number of $.numbers"> <template #if="number % 15 == 0"> FizzBuzz </template> <template #else-if="number % 5 == 0"> Buzz </template> <template #else-if="number % 3 == 0"> Fizz </template> <template #else> {{ number }} </template> </span> </output> </template> <script> live.link($.$numbers, () => { return Array.from({ length: $.max }) .map((value, index) => index + 1); }); </script> <style> :host { display: block; } output { display: block; margin: 1rem 0; } </style>

See also