
Attach event listeners right inside the component template with @-prefixed attribute names.


<element @event="handler"></element>


The event type, as passed to .addEventListener(). For example @click, @focus or @change.
A block of JavaScript, to be executed when the event fires. This may include not only expressions, but also statements such as if statements and for loops. It is treated as a regular (non-asynchronous) function body. Inside the function body, the event parameter is made available. The this value inside the handler resolves to the element the handler was attached to.


Like other in-template shorthands, the @event syntax removes any listeners when the component is disconnected from the DOM. Upon reconnecting, listeners are re-attached. The event handler, i.e. the function body, does not run in a monitored context.



Let's create a custom element for spoilers. It will be an inline element, rendering its contents inside a <span> in its shadow root. By default, the span hides the content and shows a black bar. When clicked, the contents are revealed.

<title>spoiler-text</title> <template mode="closed"> <span @click="$.revealed = true" :class+revealed="$.revealed" > <slot></slot> </span> </template> <style> span:not(.revealed) { background: black; slot { visibility: hidden; } } </style>

Theoretically, we can optimize this by removing the event listener after it has run once, since users can't un-reveal the spoiler. In cases like such, where event listeners need to be configured in a more granular or specific way, write them out explicitly using connected() and when().

List items

For a more complex example, let's write a component that includes a text input, and lets the user enter lines of text. When they press Enter, the input is cleared and the text is inserted into a <pre> element. We can do this using a @keydown expression with an if() statement inside:

<title>list-items</title> <template mode="closed" delegates-focus="true"> <input type="text" @keydown="if (event.key == 'Enter') { $.$lines.unshift(this.value); this.value = ''; }" > <pre>{{ $.lines.join('\n') }}</pre> </template> <script> $.lines = []; </script>

While it is not recommended to write full function bodies inline in the <template>, it is certainly possible and the example demonstrates both usage of the event argument as well as the this value (which resolves to the <input> here).

See also