
The only required element in a component definition file is the <title> element; it defines the name for your custom element.




The name for the custom element. This must conform to the rules for custom element names, which means it should start with an alphabetic character (a-z) and include a dash, but is otherwise very free in what is allowed. For usability however it is recommended to use alphanumeric characters (including dashes and underscores) only.


The <title> element does not accept any attributes.


The <title> element is the only required element in component definition files. It determines the name for the custom element; essentially, its text contents are directly passed as first argument to the native customElements.define(). That also means it most not contain whitespace, including newlines and indentation. Providing multiple title elements is not an error, though any <title> element after the first one is ignored.


Bare necessities

Theoretically, even though the element would do nothing, the following would be a valid component definition:


This would define a custom element <defined-element>. In terms of the native custom elements API, this component (when registered using register() would be equivalent to

customElements.define('defined-element', class extends HTMLElement {});

In other words; it does nothing beyond what a non-defined custome element does, although registering it allows it to be selected using the native :defined pseudo-class. Additionally, registering it prevents it from being registered again by another component definition, although protecting a custom element name in this manner is not advised.

Custom elements can not be un-registered. Once an element has been defined, it is not removable and will always remain defined. It is, however, upgradeable using customElements.upgrade(), though this is not currently possible through Yozo and therefore not is recommended.

See also