
Throttle triggers in a flow's callback pipeline, using a fixed rate limit.


Throttling limits triggers by letting them through as much as possible but at most once per specified duration.

Note: Conversely, debouncing waits for a certain duration of inactivity before letting a trigger through. For debouncing, see .debounce().



A duration as a number in milliseconds, indicating the throttle rate limit.

Return value

The same Flow object the method was called on, allowing for method chaining.


The first trigger is let through immediately; subsequent triggers are let through as often as possible as long as they do not exceed the limit. While the limit prevents triggers from being let through, the last one is queued up to fire at the end of the duration. In other words: the throttled triggers are always as up-to-date as possible, which is relevant when the trigger arguments are used.

Even though .throttle() only receives a number as argument, it still adds a callback to the flow's pipeline. This is a non-linear callback, meaning it will swallow triggers if multiple are received in the specified duration, as mentioned above.


Throttling scroll events

Scroll events can fire at a high rate, so especially when altering and/or reading layout it can be a good idea to throttle the incoming events. That way, any animations or scroll-linked effects can remain smooth to the user, without the performance penalty a page would pay when doing such computations every single scroll event.

when(document).scrolls().throttle(16).then(() => { // do computationally/layout-intensive tasks… updateScrollLinkedState(window.scrollY); });

Here we use when() to create a Flow object for the scroll event on the document; then we run the events through a .throttle() with a duration of approximately one frame (60 frames per second is about 16 milliseconds per frame). This means the actual computations only happen at most once every frame, but not when there are no scroll events.

See also